Verband der Deutschen Daunen- und Federnindustrie e.V.
Thomas-Mann-Straße 9
D-55122 Mainz
Tel: +49 (0)6131 588560
Chairman of the board: Mr Friedrich Verse
Business manager: Dr. Juliane Hedderich
Court of registration: Amtsgericht Mainz
Registration number: VR 2461
Responsible for the content under the terms of § 10 section 3 MDStV:
Juliane Hedderich (address as above)
The VDFI will assume no liability for the content of external links, although the links have previously been researched with due diligence. Only the content providers of such external sites are liable for the content published therein.
Data Protection Notice
We are happy to welcome you on the VDFI website. We are pleased with your interest in the information we provide. We take the protection of your personal information seriously and hope that you feel safe and comfortable when visiting our web pages.
Legal Basis
The Federal Data Protection Act and consequently the Federal Teleservices Data Protection Act, as well, are the laws which protect personally identifiable information in Germany. These are data which refer to natural persons. The data of legal persons are not protected by these laws. Personally identifiable information are data that can be related to you as a specific person (such as your name, telephone number or e-mail address). Information, which cannot be connected to your real identity (such as the websites you visit), does not fall under this act.
General Information
We do not collect any personally identifiable information, if you merely visit our website. You can therefore visit our web page without telling us who you are. We will only get to know the name of your internet service provider, the IP-address of the computer you use when accessing our site, the website from which you are visiting our web page, as well as those pages of our web presence that you are accessing. These data are collected for statistical purposes, in order to constantly improve our website. Your identity will not be disclosed in the process.
Collection and Processing of Non-Personally Identifiable Information
Any time a user accesses our web pages, that is, any time a user tries to retrieve data from a server or actually does so, the information concerning this process will be stored in a log file. This information is not personally identifiable, which means that we cannot trace back which data have been accessed by whom.
In the following you will find a detailed list of those data, which will be stored with every single access:
- the name of the accessed file
- the date and time of the access
- the amount of data transmitted
- a report, whether the access succeeded
- a report, why the access did not succeed, if necessary
- the name of your internet service provider (that is, our log file will only contain the information that i.e. any one AOL-user or any one T-Online-user accessed our website, but not which user exactly)
- the operating system and the type of browser (software) used by your computer if necessary
- the website, from which you are accessing our pages
All of the above mentioned information is collected and processed exclusively for statistical purposes by the VDFI. We will use these data in order to constantly improve this web presence for you.
Use and Transfer of Personal Data and Purpose Limitation
Personally identifiable information will only be collected when you voluntarily give these data to us, i.e. if you send us a request via e-mail or contact us via a website.
All personally identifiable information collected on this website will be gathered, processed and used according to the at the time relevant data protection acts exclusively for the purpose of providing the services requested by you or to respond to your requests. In order to provide the requested services and to respond to your requests we will commission service providers (such as letter- and parcel delivery services). These service providers are bound by contract to abide the data protection laws.